Monday 24 November 2014

Ondo Government Vows To Establish Medical Versity in Ondo State

The Ondo State Government has announced its plan to establish a Medical Science University to enable it institutionalize the successes it has been able to achieve in the health sector and also halt the brain –drain being experienced in the sector.
The state’s Commissioner for Information, Hon. Kayode Akinmade made this known while speaking with newsmen in Ondo at the weekend during a working tour of
the Ondo Medical Village.

He mentioned that the proposed University seeks to build on the enviable platforms already created by government  to ensure the sustainability of qualitative health care system development and to halt the brain drain being  experienced in the health sector through the production of top quality  health professionals to effectively man the various hospitals in the state.

Informing that Ondo state is the only state in the southwestern region without a Teaching Hospital, the  establishment of  a medical Science University, Akinmade  said also became imperative especially as the obvious brain drain of health workers seeking to explore further career opportunities within and outside the country,  does not augur well for the sustainability of recent gains of the government  in the health sector, as well as the eventual scale up and replication of the Mother and Child hospitals across the state.
The establishment is also expected to make for  the provision of an institutional base for acquisition of academic, professional and technological knowledge needed for manpower development in technology, basic applied sciences.

The Commissioner explained that at the inception of the administration, basic health indices of the state were considered the worst in the entire south west because of the relatively high rate of maternal mortality and morbidity.
To reverse the ugly trend, he said, the administration immediately responded by initiating unprecedented bold and ambitious health care development programmes aimed at reducing the burden of diseases and mortality among the people of the state, hence  the Abiye Safe Motherhood initiative which he said seeks to provide free access to quality health care services for pregnant women and under-5 Children, to the globally acclaimed Mother and Child Hospitals.

He mentioned that the government has established the first of its kind Trauma centre and Surgical centre to handle critical trauma and burns cases, thus, submitting that government has invested massively in wholesale capacity development of the health sector and  has continued to facilitate sustained  recruitment of key personnel such as Doctors, Nurses among others, to bridge the critical human resources gaps at the hospitals and at basic health centres across the state.
From only five consultants in the entire health care delivery system at the inception of the Governor Olusegun Mimiko led government, he said the state now has more than 72 consultants in various fields of medicine.

 Despite efforts towards improving healthcare delivery however, he said government is still confronted with many challenges, chief among them, the brain drain of health workers which he said the establishment of  a Medical Science University will prevent .
The University, among others is also expected to provide sound scientific, technological and professional training to address identified health need and problems, solve them within the context of community and national needs and sustainable development. A bill seeking the establishment of the University, he mentioned, has been forwarded to the state House of Assembly for consideration. 

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