Saturday 31 May 2014

#Bringbackourgirls: Nollywood Stars On March For Kidnapped Schoolgirls

In a bid to add their voices to the call for the release of hundreds of schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram insurgents in Chobok, Borno State, some Nollywood stars led by Patience Ozokwor, popularly called Mama G, on Thursday staged a rally in Lagos, western Nigeria.
NAN reports that the actors, which
included Chinedu Ikedieze, popularly known as Aki, Ejiro Okurame, Mercy Aigbe, Femi Ogedengbe, Thelma Okaz and Tony Akposhere, marched from Allen Avenue to Alausa Secretariat soliciting for the release of the abducted school girls.

While demonstrating earlier today, the Nollywood actors said the march was their own way of celebrating the Democracy Day because they were unhappy that the kidnapped school children were still being held by the Boko Haram sect.

The actors, who marched with various placards with various inscriptions asking for the release of the girls, were addressed by the Speaker of Lagos State House of Assembly, Mr Adeyemi Ikuforiji
They pleaded for the release of the girls by the Boko Haram sect.
While addressing the movie stars, Ikuforiji commended the actors for having the nation at heart and joining in the clamour for the release.
The speaker also assured them that government was doing its best to get the girls released, while also promising the actors that he would take their request to the government.

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