Wednesday 21 May 2014

Ogun State Govt. Blasts Daniel And Mimiko

Ogun State government has said it sympathised with former governor of the state, Chief Gbenga Daniel, over the mischievous comments he made on the infrastructural development and urban renewal in the state while launching the secretariat of his faction of the Labour Party (LP) in Abeokuta, at the weekend

The government equally expressed disappointment at the unguarded and uninformed statement made by the Ondo State governor, Dr Olusegun Mimiko, while speaking on the same occasion.
In a statement by Alhaji Yusuph Olaniyonu, the state Commissioner for Information and Strategy, the government said Daniel, through his statement, was merely trying to justify his failure to execute any tangible project in the state in the eight years that he was governor while the state lost billions of naira.

“In some more developed democracy where the machinery of justice move swiftly, Mr Daniel will not be in a position to be grandstanding and making empty claims. He should be ashamed that in his lifetime, what he failed to achieve as governor is now being accomplished with ease.

“He was talking of roads being constructed at high cost. We say it with all sense of responsibility that contracts in today’s Ogun State are being awarded at the best possible cost in the country and ours is an administration that is extremely frugal with the resources of the state.
“Mr Daniel thought he was being smart and playing to the gallery when he was reeling out false figures about the cost of road projects during his tenure and now. 

We challenge him to mention which of the road projects he constructed could match what we now have across the state,” the statement stated.
The state government also challenged Daniel to provide concrete evidence on the contracts whose cost he believed were inflated and get appropriate response.

It further noted that Daniel was forced to be making the false claims because he needed to explain and justify why, for eight years, he left major roads in the state unattended to. One of the neglected roads by his administration is the Ojere -Onikolobo road on which the secretariat of his faction of Labour Party is now located,” the statement added.

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