Tuesday 27 May 2014

Holy Bible Now In Yoruba, Housa, Igbo And Pidgin English On Your Mobile Phones

God-fearing Nigerians can now access the word of God, the Bible, in their local languages at the touch of a button on the mobile devices, thanks to a series of new smartphone apps.
Kayode Sowole, a computer science student at the University of Lagos, has created a series of new smartphone app that offers the word of God in the African country's four main languages at the touch of a
Catering to holy needs of devout Christians in the African country, the apps make the Bible available in Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo and even Pidgin English. The pidgin version of the Bible was formally introduced in 2013 by the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN).
Sowole said users would not even read the Internet to read the Holy Book. He pointed out that users will now not have to carry two things, a Bible and a mobile phone, as the mobile phone will perform both tasks.
Announcing the new app, he said, "With this innovation, you do not need the Internet to read the Bible. Neither do you need to bring a Bible to church. You have it in the local language of your choice on your phone."
The University of Lagos student added that he got his inspiration from Facebook founder & CEO Mark Zuckerberg and that he was now towing his line.

MTN, Nigeria's largest mobile phone service provider, awarded a one million naira (US$6,200) prize to Sowole for the apps.

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