Tuesday 27 May 2014

I Want To Do Movies That Mean Something And Touch People's Lives - Bimbo Akintola

Nollywood actress Bimbo Akintola is no more interested in doing mediocre work; rather she wants to do meaningful movies that would touch people's lives.
During her recent appearance on Rubbin' Minds on Channels Television, the beautiful Nigerian actress shared her views about a number of issues about her life, art as well as future
Bimbo, who is regarded as one of the most endowed Nigerian actresses of all time, said she had stayed long enough in the film industry of Nigeria that she was now able to choose the type of movies she would like to feature in.
Speaking on the topic, she said, "I want to do movies that mean something and touch people's lives, I don't want to do mediocre work."
But, she stressed that her decision didn't imply that Nigeria's film industry was mediocre; rather her comments implied that movie-making for her must mean something beyond entertainment. She also said that the industry would grow better if Nigerian movies are distributed to places where they are appreciated, which would also be very beneficial to real producers.
Bimbo insisted that her relationship with musician Dede Mabiaku didn't halt her career and that he was not to blame for her decision to slow her participation in the films. She also insisted that Dede remained a good friend of her.
However, the Nigerian beauty refused to disclose the identity of the man who is currently in her life. She also declined to disclose her marriage plans, saying she could not afford to rush.

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